The development of innovative, high-quality products that are ahead of their time.

Our high-quality systems can be used in an array of applications: an easy retrofit option for homes, a clean and cost-effective solution when renovating or modernising. Ideal for new builds, helping to save energy and being as discreet or as prominent as the homeowner or renovator wants. Also available as an external venetian blind version or with SolidScreen zip systems. Certified quality standards, innovative capacity as well as reliable and competent service help earn and retain the trust of customers. All the products and services are constantly under review in line with the most stringent requirements. Alulux est notée par les experts du secteur comme dynamique, réactive, à l’écoute et innovante.


  • Roller shutters
  • Garage doors
  • Venetian blinds
  • Vertical screens

64 M€




3 500


Vers & Ahaus, Germany


350 000

products sold / year